Head of the Potomac Recap  

written by Anne Jane

Coach Alyssa summed up this race well in her email to the team:

Hey folks,
This is a bit delayed because work is crazy but I did want to let the group know that we had a really good (and long!) day of racing at Potomac. Ha, I was a bit cranky at the race because it was the least organized regatta ever (thank god for Megan) but we did get to go up against a lot of strong boats which is always good.

Most folks felt in control of their races and I certainly saw some exhausted rowers coming off the water. The masters 8 took third and passed 3 or 4 boats! The club 8 put placed right with the collegiate crews. The four had a solid row and enjoyed a great borrowed coxswain (don't worry we'll try to recruit her for Occoquan). Nate dodged every kayak, canoe, motorboat and cox some great races. Eva, Toby and Anne Jane each rowed a casual 27K total and Jaclyn survived her first race ever!

Good tune up before HOTO.

Note - not only was the river not well policed (there were kayaks in the race lane!) but there were too few officials around the docks making the launching and landing chaotic at times. There was also limited space for trailers and boats although Joanne and Jeanne got there very early and made sure we had a good spot! Parking space was also scarce and people had to find parking in paid garages nearby.

But the day was sunny and bright and the upper end of the course quite scenic making up for some of the other drawbacks.


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