Wye Island Regatta 2010  

written by Anne Jane

Here's a quick recap on the team's adventures at the Wye Island regatta.  First off, thanks to Sally and Susan for all their work in organizing.  Besides attending to all the details of the race, they ordered up a clear and beautiful day, ideal for rowing 12.5 miles around a scenic island in the Chesapeake.  It was a loose, fun regatta, with categories for kayaks, rowboats, stand-up paddlers, etc., in addition to sweep and sculling categories.

This was a first experience with wet launches for many, and boy were we glad we didn't see the jellyfish until after the race.  Katie Stutz launched her single first, and pretty much never looked back, winning a medal.  Our doubles went out next, Toby and former teammate Susan Lawrence in red and, looking buff in their new lime Nike t-shirts, -- Joanne and Wendy, and Sally and Susan.  Congrats to Sally and Susan on their medals!  The 8 was off last, ably coached by Sonya who not surprisingly did not seem to run out of things to say during the hour and a half row.  The 8: Danielle, Jess B, Maureen, Karen, Emily, Jeanne, Rebecca and Anne Jane.  Results from this race were late and don't seem to be posted online yet. 

At rigging yesterday morning, the boats and oars got a thorough washing to get the salt water off.  All in all, if you discount a fair number of blisters on just about everyone's hands, Wye Island was a great start to our team's head season.

Maureen and Joanne
PS  Greetings and big hugs to everyone from former teammate Connie Flanagan, whose new club, Annapolis Rowing, sponsored the event.
Yeah, yeah, we would all like to forget about the Brittany Lynn.....but,

After plotting to ditch Brit in the marsh & set her out to sea - Jen B, Laura, Jackie, and Eva decided to tack the map onto the stern deck anyway and lugged her portly hull to the dock for a 12.5 mile row.  She creaked and groaned just a little and lost most of her spacers along the way, but we rowed her to a cheerful 3rd place finish.

Jen (Brogan)

So sorry I forgot to include in the recap our stalwart quad rowers, who pulled the old girl mightily.  Nice job you guys!



FISA Worlds 2010  

written by Anne Jane

From Joanne Anderson:
 Windy about sums it up!

Some people did get to race but the wind forced cancellation of most of the races on Saturday, 9/4/10. This was very disappointing to the small band of rowers who scheduled extra practices in preparation of this big event.