Way Enough! The End of the Season 2008  

written by LuLu

November Topic: Success Stories!

It's hard to believe that another competitve season on the water is finished!

Let's use this spot to share our success stories. For example, personal goals you have met, fun regatta stories, any of the positive things that you have gained from this season...end the season on a positive note.

PS: Happy Trails to you! See you at the "Deep Country" Happy Hour Thursday night 11/6 at the BrilloBox 6pm


TRRA MW Celebrates Success at the Head of the Charles!  

written by Jen B

Congratulations to the TRRA Masters Women who competed at the 44th annual Head of the Charles Regatta this past weekend 10/18-19 in Boston, MA. The team had entries in the Women's Club 8+, Women's Masters 8+, and also two quads in the Directors Challenge.

The Club 8+ finished in 5th place after starting 43rd out of 45 in the bow draw. Sonya Berkovich coxed an extremely successful course passing 6 other crews while navigating the many turns and bridges. Their finishing time was 17:40.489 which secured a medal and a guaranteed entry for next year! The winning lineup included: Anne Nelson, Katie Spiker, Georgia Bullen, Jill Markl, Justine Aylmer, Franny Ritchie, Jenn Langzettel, and Kristin Boyle. Well done ladies!!!

The Masters 8+ finished in 22nd place and was coxed by Betsy Mills. The lineup included: Jen Brogan, Jackie Goldblum, Eva Szigethy, Luanne Suplick, Vern Keenan, Jeanne Odenheimer, Maureen Busis, and Joanne Anderson.

Eva Szigethy and Katie Stutz each sponsored Women's Quad entries for the Directors Challenge. They finished 4th and 6th respectively out of a field of 15! Ellen Romsaas stroked a quad for Avalon - Maidens of the Mist and also volunteered as a backup timer for Saturday's races.

Way to put the TRRA name out there Masters Women!! A lot of hard work and dedication was put into preparing for and executing this race by the rowers, coxswains, and Coaches Don Heckenstaller and Jeff Lowe. Please congratulate everyone as you see them around the boathouse.


I know there is a BUOY around here somewhere...  

written by Jen B

The changes to daylight savings time means more rows in the dark for us Morning Masters rowers. Whether you are a rower, coxswain, or steering a sculling shell you need to be aware of those giant metal red and green buoys out there on the river. They are not lighted so you should know of their general location as you navigate up and down the river.

This info has been neatly drafted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I have included links to the Navigation Maps of the areas that we typically travel during practice. In addition, everyone should have attended the fall TRRA Safety Meeting and possess a standard level of river safety and navigation knowlege as it pertains to the Allegheny River and its traffic patterns.

If at any time you have been put into a situation and feel unsure about coxing, rowing, or steering it is your responsibility to use common sense and sound judgement to express this to your coach and boatmates prior to leaving the boathouse. Do not proceed onto the river and "wing-it" so to speak.

As far as the buoys are concerned - here are the maps. What you are looking for on there are the green and purple diamonds. The green diamonds represent the green buoys and the purple diamonds represent red buoys. The general rule is to stay "Right of RED" when going upstream and "Left of GREEN" when going downstream.

The masters women typically travel a consistent pattern upstream to Lock/Dam #2 (near the Highland Park Bridge) and return downstream past the end of Herr's Island. For this traffic pattern you will notice that there are 5 red buoys in the upstream direction (1 prior to the 62nd St. Br. and 4 after) and 3 green buoys downstream (all prior to the 40th St. Br).

Please take a few minutes to view the maps below. Clicking on an image will open a large readable version of the document.


What do you do with YOUR medals?  

written by Jen B

Everyone loves to bring home a little hardware from a race... but what do you do with it?

Get out your camera it's time for show n' tell. Feel free to post comments or better yet if you have photos send them to Jen B or Luanne and we'll post them right here for all to see your shining shrine of glory!!

To kick it off... here's where Jeanne O. keeps her medals!! Can anyone top this???

Here's Jeanne's story....I joined the Masters Womens team five years ago and have participated in quite a few races, both during the sprint season and head racing. I have been fortunate and enjoyed the fruits of competition. That is, the box of medals accumulating dust.

What to do with them??? The choices are numerous but it needed to be just the right one. I am certainly no interior decorator and few things in my house match what the designers like and approve. But I did want to display my accomplishment in a unique way. A shadow box with labels would be a quick and easy way, but just not unique enough for me.

One afternoon, the perfect display hit me! My husband is an avid hunter, enjoying his sport and displaying his trophies in a way that he can enjoy them. After “bagging” his second buck in as many years, he insisted on hanging them on the wall. Ding -- the light came on!! Why not just use the rack on the proud buck. It was perfect.

Race after race I proudly added my medals to my husband’s trophy. Unfortunately, the weight of all the medals has since pulled it off the wall. Fortunately, both the bucks are now hanging on the wall up at the hunting camp…where they should be. My medals are back in the box gathering dust until I come up with a new idea.


"Ready all--Row!" from our Coxswain  

written by LuLu

September's Blog topic:

Now that our summer coxswains have left us to go back to school, we rowers are assigned to the coxswain's seat.

So what tips to you have from the coxswain's seat? Any pointers, advice, coxing information? What commands do you like to hear? What strategies should your coxswain provide?

What do the coxswains expect from the rowers? One Voice! Right? What else?

Post your comments below.

Thanks! Oh and "Way Enough!" Or is it "Weigh Enough?" (Ha ha ha :o) )


Head of the Ohio Kick-Off !!!  

written by Jen B

Hey Masters Rowers...let's show our support of the HOTO & attend the kick-off party! Buy your tickets in advance!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
6pm to 9pm
Lambert Boathouse on Washington's Landing

Be the first to see the 2008 HOTO commemorative painting to be unveiled at the event. Take advantage of the only opportunity to purchase your copy personally signed by artist, Johno Prascak.

6:00 p.m. Enjoy cocktails and light hors d’oeuvres while mingling with friends
6:45 p.m. Welcome remarks from Donald Webber-Plank, Co-Chair, Head of the Ohio and Richard Butler, Executive Director, Three Rivers Rowing Association
6:55 p.m. Introduction of the artist by Susan Carlson, Co-Chair, Head of the Ohio
7:00 p.m. Unveiling of the 2008 painting by Johno Prascak
Prints personally signed by the artist will be available for purchase until 9 p.m. Food and drink will be served throughout the evening.

Johno Prascak is an exciting, up-and-coming, local artist with paintings in the NFL Hall of Fame and Steelers headquarters as well as a painting of the first President Bush in the Presidential Library. One of his works was featured in Will’s apartment on the TV show Will and Grace. See more of his compelling work at http://www.johnosart.com/.

Proceeds from this event benefit the Head of the Ohio and Three Rivers Rowing.


Who's Got Olympic Fever  

written by Jen B

August Topic

Who has caught this "virulent strain of athletic obsession?!" The internet has come a long way in 4 years - it's easy to catch great coverage of your favorite sports... like rowing ;-). Post your favorite highlights & talk about the Olympics here!!

Exclusive Summer Olympics news & widgets at NBC Olympics.com!


Why Do I Do This Again?  

written by LuLu

July Topic:

Do you ever ask yourself as your morning alarm rings at 4:30 am--"Why do I do this to myself?"

Why do you row? Why do you get up BEFORE the chickens, shell out money for lessons, for regattas, take time off from work, arrive late on days you DO go to work, why, why, why? What's in it for you?

Please post your thoughts in the "comment" section below.

Happy Day! (Take your nap later!)

Photo by Max 7/13/2008, compliments of J.Buck


Link your favorite rowing videos  

written by TDHPSX

There are a lot of good (and not so good) rowing videos out there. Go ahead and share them with us. Here are a few of my favorites:

Rowing footage set to Al Pachino's "inches" speech from Any Given Suday

Nice 8+ carnage


Really Coach! It was my Rigger!  

written by LuLu

June Blog Topic:

"Frustrated in Four Seat" writes:

Dear TRR Bloggers:

I really don't know what a good setting is for my oar height, my foot stretchers and the collar on my sculling oars!

I'd like some Q&A and hands on...."this is what will happen if you don't have enough spacers.....when all 8 are in the boat but not moving, your rigging might seem to be at the perfect height, but once you get moving, the boat lifts out of the water and you might miss water if you have too many spacers on...."

I know it will change from boat to boat. How do I consistently determine what a good setting is for me in any boat?

Please post your comments below in the "comment" section.

Have a great day! Enjoy the weather--I think summer has finally arrived!


Regatta Season--OMG! What should I pack?  

written by LuLu

With our first race upon us--We thought this would be a good first topic to blog about. What tips can you provide to our team to be prepared for a successful regatta weekend? Post your comments below in the "comment" section.

Thanks! Have a great day!


Mens Masters Go Camping & Whitewater Rafting  

written by Coach DW-P

This past weekend, Men's Masters took to the great outdoors, camping at the Scarlett Knob Campground and rafting the Lower Youghiogheny River.
Our fun was a true team effort led by Supreme Organizer & Firewood Gatherer Matt Loughren.

Weekend photos can be viewed courtesy of Official Photographer John Buck, a.k.a. Omelete Chef Extraordinaire, Admiral White Gas Firestarter & Captain of Firewood Placement "for later in the night".

Almost everything about our weekend involved WATER -lots and lots of water (appropriate for a rowing team no?). Despite several incredible booming thunderstorms, complete with fantastic displays of lightning, we stayed both warm AND dry thanks to Campfire General Herb Cohen who masterfully and strategically "directed and delegated" all operations involving our campfire (except, of course, anything to do with the work involved w/ gathering and preparation of the woodpile). Herbie also brought the Cohen Family Canopy, without which our time spent together would have been drastically different. Without the Cohen Family Canopy, we might just have had to...well, i'm not exactly sure what we would have done, but I can guarantee it likely would not have involved staying at the campground much less cooking dinner and sitting around the campfire.

Speaking of which, the team ate well thanks to Asst. Quartermaster Steven Carr's organic appetizers, Chief Quartermaster Steven Irwin's main course contributions (not organic) and Dinner Chef Extraordinaire Bill Anderson, a.k.a. Master Firewood Pile Assembler. Chef Bill whipped up a meal, the likes of which we've never seen before on Masters Rowing Outings. Needless to say, everyone was happy with full bellies and no one went to bed hungry. Much to the camp's delight, our bed of coals provided all the heat for s'mores (toasted mellows betwixt graham crackers w/ a chunk of chocolate) provided by Ass. Firewood Gather/Firewood Pile Assembler/Campfire Lieutenant Donald W-P.
We also were, at no point EVER during our trip, in any danger of being dehydrated thanks to the cases and cases and cases upon cases of water procured by Special Agent Waterboy, Jeff Boldt. Many beverages were consumed, the bulk of which provided by Special Forces "I rode my mtn. bike 75 miles uphill both ways" Tom Hudak; the tastiest of which was Gator McCoy's (of the world renown Surreal McCoy's) special Woodford Reserve Bourbon.

Sunday we were joined by General Nostradamus "there's no way we're going to fall out of this raft" Chris Ryan for an exhilarating whitewater experience down the Lower Fork of the Youghiogheny River. Let's just say that when we launched, the water level was 8.3 feet. When we finished, the river was above the legal limit for guided rafting of 10.0 ft. With normal trip duration of 3-4 hours, we finished in just under one hour. We were like a national team octuple, roaring down the river right up until the very last rapid. Just prior, Steven "Gator" Irwin switched to "point" (that seat at the front/bow of the boat where one takes the brunt of all waves rapids and walls of raging waters) with Chris "Nostradamus- we're not going over" Ryan. Coming into the last rapid, the last enormous wall of water smacked Irwin like a domino, lifting him up off his seat and swooshing him, along with DWP and Ryan behind, unceremoniously into the Yough. It was absolutely FANTASTIC.

Well done men- excellent times had by all!


New Coaches for the Masters Women's Team  

written by Jen B

Head Coach Don Heckenstaller (right) and Assistant Coach Jeff Lowe (left) are the new coaches of the Masters Women's team. Well...they're not that new - they've been coaching the women since January 2008! They are filling the shoes of Donald Webber-Plank who served as the women's team coach for 7+ years and still coaches the Masters Men's team.

Don Heckenstaller has 30+ years of rowing experience and 14 years of coaching experience. He most recently was the assistant coach for the varsity & novice women at the University of Pittsburgh during their 2006/2007 season. Prior to that he coached at North Allegheny High School from 1993 – 2006. During his tenure, his boats have achieved numerous gold medals at prestigious national regattas. In 2006 he coached a Junior Women’s quad to a win at the Junior National Trials and they represented the United States in the Junior Worlds in the Netherlands. As a rower he received many medals including three Gold Medals in the Lightweight Single, and four Gold Medals in the Mixed Double at Master’s National regattas. As a college rower he was a member of the Freshman 8+ at Florida Institute of Technology that won a Gold Medal at the prestigious Dad Vail regatta.

Jeff Lowe has 20 years of coaching experience. He was the Head Coach for the Duquesne University Women's Team in 1986, when the program was established as a club sport, through 2002. He is responsible for shaping that program into the highly successful & competitive program it is today.

The women's team is proud to have Don & Jeff as our coaches. We are looking forward to working with them for many years to come!


*** Hello HOTO! ***  

written by Jen B

The HOTO website is up and running!

Please take a look! Let me know what you think and/or if you see anything that doesn't look quite right or is broken in your browser.

Thanks to those who sent me photos for the slideshow. Credit has been given on the Contacts & Credits page.

The 22nd Annual Head of the Ohio Regatta will be held on Saturday September 27th, 2008.


This week's Fun Friday 5/9  

written by LuLu

Does anyone want to join me in a double this Fun Friday? I signed out a double for Friday. Send me an e-mail and let me know!



Fun Friday, May 2, 2008  

written by Coach DW-P

Nice rowing for all those that participated yesterday. We had a fairly large contingent with 10 shells on the water. Surprisingly, there was a lot of smack talk from the women this week, accompanied by some fierce competition and speed.
Top shell on the water for the morning was the mixed 2x with Zuzanna striking a ferocious stroke rating with Coach Don H gleefully matching her fast hands. As they charged down the river, moving people out of their way, no doubt the entire women's contingent couldn't help but wonder if maybe Zuzanna & Don shouldn't handicap themselves with a more "measured" rating accompanied with some reasonable pause drills.
Fierce competition continued from 2007's season between the 2x duo's of Carlson/Folan against the Suplick/Goldblum. (Suplick/Goldblum somehow not only snagged the coveted "Jane 2x" but also showed up rowing their NEW C2 Oars WOW!!!
Katie Spiker showed the entire group, for second week in a row, that women can indeed dominate with a 1x.
Jeff and Jason, in the 2-, evidently had a faulty battery with their onboard GPS unit as their course was "varied & adventurous" at best. However, they confidently left no part of the river unexplored
In men's 1x, much to the delight (and a hint relief) of Chris Ryan, Steve Carr, selflessly, tested the water temperature. Finally Steve Martino continued to leave a blazing trail of fire in his wake.

women's 1x: Katie Spiker.
men's 1x's: Steve Carr, Steven Martino, Chris Ryan & Donald W-P.
women's 2x's: Jenn Brogan & Megan Kuehm, Luanne Suplick & Jackie Goldblum, Susan Carlson & Sally Folan.
mixed 2x: Zuzanna Matouskova & Don Heckenstaller.
2-: Jeff Boldt & Jason Monnell.


Pedal Pittsburgh  

written by Wendy

For anyone still thinking about Pedal Pittsburgh--here is the link for registration.
There was NOT enough interest to register as a group--if you are interested--get your INDIVIDUAL registration in by the deadline of May 5th for the better pricing.
Those interested in the 25 mile ride can gather up at the Station Sq. start 30 minutes prior to the official start.


Fun Fridays are BACK!  

written by Coach DW-P

This morning, 6 scullers (Bill Anderson, Lee Kulinna, Steven Martino, Chris Ryan, Katie Spiker and I) took to the Allegheny River with the first of many "Fun Fridays". The water was flat, sunrise amazingly beautiful and Martino gave me a schooling in two of three pieces!!!

Fun Friday's are for all rowers (1x's, 2x's and/or 2-'s) who want to have fun and practice rowing fast. The Fun Friday format allows for all levels of experience and speed to participate. The goal is to practice racing. Don't think you need to be in tip top shape or form in order to show up.

There is no substitute for showing up. The best way to improve ones water speed and abilities is to practice against others. In the past, it's not been uncommon to have upwards of 15+ shells out there.

We meet every Friday, warmed up, above the 40th Street bridge @ 6:00 AM and return back to the docks by 7:00 AM. The morning generally begins with a warm-up piece to assess general and relative speeds. Three to six odd pieces of varying lengths follow with the faster rowers starting after those that are slower. The slower rowers race to stay ahead with the faster rowers trying mightily to catch up. Everyone achieves practice, racing in competitive conditions while dealing with common variables such as steering, passing, being surrounded by other shells & their puddles, varying water conditions ect.

Again, all are welcome. Pass the good word and invite all your buddies.
If necessary, be sure to reserve your shell in advance with the reservation log. As always, sign out the shell on the Safety Log before launching and sign back in when returning to the dock.

Hope to see everyone out on the water next Friday morning.

ps: martino, i'm gunning for ya!


Jeff Burke finishes Boston Marathon  

written by Coach DW-P

Our very own Jeff Burke completed the Boston Marathon yesterday (his first) in 4:18:51. Even more impressively, he exceeded his fundraising goal, raising $2,747 for nutrition and fitness research at the Friedman School at Tufts University.

Way to go Jeff- we're really proud of you, your awesome accomplishment and your dedication to the social cause.

If you want to read more about Jeff's training experiences and more, visit his Tufts Marathon Challenge page:


Vern VOM  

written by LuLu

Just one more thing...check out the TRRA website...Vern is April Volunteer of the Month. Here's the write up in case you missed it. Way to go!

"Vern Keenan is an active and enthusiastic member of Three Rivers Rowing. She began her rowing career in Toronto, Canada in her early twenties where she was appointed captain of the team. At Three Rivers, Vern began rowing for the Alcoa corporate team 6 years ago where she has dedicated much of her time to volunteering and also serving as captain. Vern continued her service as she joined the Masters Women’s team 2 years ago. She was driven and volunteered her time as one of the co-captains for the Masters Women. During this time, she continued to organize her schedule such that she could find time to be a positive influence as she assisted Devon in coaching rowers during the Winter Rowing League training in the evenings. Here she continued to demonstrate her knowledge and skills while helping others

Vern is a mother of 2 children and works full time. She regularly attends practices with the Masters Women team and finds time to manage additional workouts on the “off’ days to maintain her fitness. She is an asset to any group. Vern will always bring her high motivation, smile and enthusiasm to any situation and make it a better experience for all.

Thanks Vern!!!!


Technique Video  

written by Bill A

Found this on youtube.



Thanks Captains!  

written by Jen B

The Masters Womens team would like to recognize and thank our 2007 Captains - Vern Keenan & Katie Spiker - for all of their hard work, dedication, leadership, and spirit throughout the year.

Not many know how much goes on behind the scenes to keep the team running smoothly and efficiently. Katie & Vern made it look easy so that everyone could just simply show up and row!

The team held a breakfast after practice in their honor and presented them each with a framed team photo signed by everyone.



One Million Meters  

written by Jen B

Congratulations to Joanne Anderson who just surpassed the ONE MILLION METER mark on the erg this year! To be exact - 1,000,238!!

Joanne began logging her meters during this year's winter training period and has steadily tallied them up over the last 5 months.

For her last row Joanne did some interesting interval work alternating 1000 meters with household chores :-) (...a thousand meters here, clean the bathroom, a thousand meters there, a load of laundry...) That's some serious spring cleaning. Hey, whatever works Joanne!!

[missing from photo: Joanne Anderson - who declined to go anywhere near an erg until November]


Happy Hour 4/10 and a story  

written by Laura VdW

A reminder about happy hour at HeidiOptics (Thurs. April 10 @5:30pm). Wine $5, beer $3.
This is a fund raiser for a medical mission in Guatemala that Heidi and I will go on in May.
We will have light finger food, music, and a drawing for a gift card for 10 free car washes at South Side's Pgh LaserWash donated by Steve Todorovich.
HeidiOptics is @ 239 Fourth Ave 5th Floor (Investment Building) Pittsburgh, 15222. Email lcvanderwaag@gmail.com or call if you need directions 412-281-7022 (beware of mapquest, they will send you to Neville Island).
Donations of any size are welcome and completely voluntary. Checks can be made out to VOSH-PA. The $ that we raise will pay for cataract surgery (about $65/ eye in Guatemala) and specialty prescription glasses.
Those are the details for the happy hour, if you want to hear how this trip came to be, read on...it involves rowing (or at least this telling of it will, since this is the rowers' blog)
It all began back in 1994 when I was a newbie freshman at Georgetown University and I saw a rowing shell in the campus square. My roommate dragged me over to check it out "I've ALways wanted to TRY this." Until this point in my life I considered myself "not an athlete." I couldn't run fast, I lacked hand/eye coordination, and lets face it, to this day I'm pretty damned clumsy. The enthusiastic rowers assured me that I needed no prior experience or athletic talent, all I had to do was show up for practice (sounded easy.)
So they took us out in a barge like structure on the Potomac, and randomly pointed people to one side or the other (this is how I found that path in life known as starboard). You know, rowing is such a pretty sport, and it looks so cool in the pictures...so there were maybe 100 novices that first week. Then we switched to 5:30 am practices, and each day the number halved.
As the ranks thinned I met a fellow chemistry major Lynne. She lived in my dorm, so we ran to practice together. Lynne survived rowing through Christmas break of novice year, I finished the novice year out. This wasn't by conscious choice, I just kept showing up for practice. Each time the alarm went off I got out of bed by telling myself that this was the day that I was going to quit and that tomorrow I would sleep in. Somehow I always forgot about that promise until the next morning.
Lynne became a favorite study partner because she is incredibly smart, and really nice, and had a way of explaining general chemistry in a way that made sense. Fast forward several years, Lynne and I are graduating, she is moving to North Carolina for medical school and a masters in public health, and I am on my way to optometry school in Philly. We kept in touch. She lived in Australia, and Malaysia and who knows where else, I moved to Pittsburgh.
Last June she came to visit right after she returned from a medical mission in Guatemala. Her group brings nurses, dentists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, nutritionists, physical therapists, but the one thing that the people always asked for was help with their eye problems. This is how I became involved.
This is a unique trip for me. Although Lynne's group has arranged the clinic site and dates and publicity, I am responsible for the logistics and funds for my entire part of the clinic. Luckily I'm able to share that responsibility, since Heidi offered to come with me and donate her optical skills, and I've recruited another optometrist. I'm also incredibly lucky to have the amazing support system of the masters rowers! Many of you have already donated money and glasses to recycle, thank you. Hope to see you at the happy hour.


Peace, Thanks and Recognition  

written by LuLu

Just want to take this opportunity to let you know that Laura Roberts will be leaving us in mid-May. She is shipping out to Suriname! She has joined the Peace Corp. Thanks, Laura, for working toward making the world a better place. We'll miss you. If you see Laura during this next month, please wish her well.

Also, wanted to thank Jackie for representing the MW at clean-up day! Jackie and her husband helped to install new racks in the main bay. Jackie has the strength of 30 Masters Women plus 2!

We want to recognize and thank our captains from the 2007 season, Katie Spiker and Vern Keenan. They both brought much knowledge, experience and organizational skills to our team to keep the MW running smoothly! Something thankful is in the works for them--stay tuned.



Wired to Win Pedal Pittsburgh  

written by Wendy

Several of us had the chance to see the incredible OmniMax film today called Wired to Win--which profiled the amazing capacity of the Tour de France athletes and the human body. Coming away so inspired and with such confidence in our winter training and our bodies...we are now ready to take on the rivers and the terrain.

Pedal Pittsburgh takes place May 18. Group discounts are available to groups of 10 or more. Several of us have participated over the years. This year...as part of our social calendar...I am offering an opportunity to enter as part of the official Three Rivers Masters Rowing Team.


If you would like to be part of the TRRA team for Pedal Pittsburgh (25 mile ride) drop me a note. I will handle coordination for any and all that keep me posted of their plans by April 20th.

Wendy Lomicka


Erg Baby Erg!!  

written by Jen B

We had a great turnout for the 2k erg challenge today. Wendy was so enthusiastic that she woke up thinking that she'd rather do a 2k than sleep - right on girl...!! (She must have been having nightmares :-). Anyway - great job to everyone - can't wait to see the scores and how everyone placed in their age category - and more importantly if the women beat the men!! One more week and we'll officially be ready to get on the water wooo hoooo!!


Masters Men Mulch- a job well done!!!  

written by Coach DW-P

Hi all,
Next time you're down at Lambert Boathouse, you won't be able to help yourself but to stop and admire the fantastic mulching job up top and down by the water. With couple of wheel barrows, many shovels & rakes and pitchfork, the men "dug in" for an arduous, but satisfying, three hour job. The key to the morning's success was Bob Ball's rock rake. All were amazed and wowed with the dexterity and handling displayed by Ball.

MM captain Steve Carr, organizer and leader of our the effort, was capably assisted by Bob Ball (aforementioned and well known "gentleman"), Chuck Criss (also a "gentleman), Chris Ryan (yet another "gentleman"), Mark Puda, Matt Loughren, John Watt, Jason Monnel and Coach DWP.

Thank you men!
A great effort and job well done with today's (3/29) TRRA Spring Clean-up.

p.s. Special accolades to Chuck for talking with Washington Landing's landscapers to discover that coincidentally, this very next week they will be bringing in an additional 4 ton's of mulch themselves for the island- and will by happy to "supplement" our efforts where maybe it appears a little thin. Chuck, thats a heads-up play!


New Blog  

written by Katie

Hi All,

Just wanted to point out a few items that I LOVE about our new blog:

Links on the right side are awesome! Bookmark this blog and you will have access to all of our documents in one location!

Battle of the Sexes points tally - women please take note that the men have started the year ahead. Keep training so when Pittsford comes we will be racking in the medals :-)

Thank you Jen!! for all your hard work on this. It is great!


I'm finally done with the blog... for now  

written by TRRA AM Masters Admin

Hey everyone - what do you think of our new blog? Let me know what you like, don't like, want to see added, or find things that are broken or not displaying correctly. I will be removing all of the junky sample posts for a fresh start once we are ready to begin blogging!

The blog will be used to promote our teams (mens & womens for now) & communicate all of the fun and exciting news that happens along the way. It's external facing - meaning that the public will see it - so please use discretion when posting. The Pittsburgh Paddlefish have been using a blog for quite a while...check out their site: http://paddlesup.blogspot.com/ to see what kind of stuff they post. Their blog was the inspiration for this one....thanks Paddlefish!!

I will eventually figure out a way for us to all share photos. I haven't gotten that far yet. All ideas are welcome. In addition - I think it would be cool to have some graphic or photo in the header (instead of the drab grey background). Photoshop gurus unite - and help me out ;-)

Calling all writers - I know we have a lot of creative people on this team and in order for this blog to work - we need people to post to it. If you want to be a blog writer please send me an email with the subject line "Add me to Blogger" so that I can add you to the authors list. You'll need a google account - which we all should have by now anyway...right?

For those that are new to the blogging scene (that was me before I started this endeavor) - I'll provide some instructions on how to get started. For now - I'm just looking for feedback on the look & feel and the content/features of the blog.



Masters Women Compete at the 2007 Head of the Charles  

written by TRRA AM Masters Admin

HOCR 2007


2008 TRRA Annual Campaign - Chipin Widgets  

written by Jen B

250x250, Red:

120x240, Red (campaign description on 2nd chipin tab)

234x60, Red:

125x125, Red (campaign description on 2nd chipin tab):

250x250, Blue:

120x240, Blue (campaign description on 2nd chipin tab)

234x60, Blue:

125x125, Blue (campaign description on 2nd chipin tab):