Saturday, March 29, 2008
Masters Men Mulch- a job well done!!!
Hi all,
Next time you're down at Lambert Boathouse, you won't be able to help yourself but to stop and admire the fantastic mulching job up top and down by the water. With couple of wheel barrows, many shovels & rakes and pitchfork, the men "dug in" for an arduous, but satisfying, three hour job. The key to the morning's success was Bob Ball's rock rake. All were amazed and wowed with the dexterity and handling displayed by Ball.
MM captain Steve Carr, organizer and leader of our the effort, was capably assisted by Bob Ball (aforementioned and well known "gentleman"), Chuck Criss (also a "gentleman), Chris Ryan (yet another "gentleman"), Mark Puda, Matt Loughren, John Watt, Jason Monnel and Coach DWP.
Thank you men!
A great effort and job well done with today's (3/29) TRRA Spring Clean-up.
p.s. Special accolades to Chuck for talking with Washington Landing's landscapers to discover that coincidentally, this very next week they will be bringing in an additional 4 ton's of mulch themselves for the island- and will by happy to "supplement" our efforts where maybe it appears a little thin. Chuck, thats a heads-up play!