Friday, March 21, 2008
I'm finally done with the blog... for now
Hey everyone - what do you think of our new blog? Let me know what you like, don't like, want to see added, or find things that are broken or not displaying correctly. I will be removing all of the junky sample posts for a fresh start once we are ready to begin blogging!
The blog will be used to promote our teams (mens & womens for now) & communicate all of the fun and exciting news that happens along the way. It's external facing - meaning that the public will see it - so please use discretion when posting. The Pittsburgh Paddlefish have been using a blog for quite a while...check out their site: to see what kind of stuff they post. Their blog was the inspiration for this one....thanks Paddlefish!!
I will eventually figure out a way for us to all share photos. I haven't gotten that far yet. All ideas are welcome. In addition - I think it would be cool to have some graphic or photo in the header (instead of the drab grey background). Photoshop gurus unite - and help me out ;-)
Calling all writers - I know we have a lot of creative people on this team and in order for this blog to work - we need people to post to it. If you want to be a blog writer please send me an email with the subject line "Add me to Blogger" so that I can add you to the authors list. You'll need a google account - which we all should have by now anyway...right?
For those that are new to the blogging scene (that was me before I started this endeavor) - I'll provide some instructions on how to get started. For now - I'm just looking for feedback on the look & feel and the content/features of the blog.
March 22, 2008 at 8:53 AM
WOW!! This is AWESOME!! GREAT work Jen. Thank you for all of the time and effort you spent. Adding the calendar of events, BOS and even the slide show! VERY COOL!! Also the oar icon is fun! GREAT JOB - and thanks again! :-)
March 23, 2008 at 1:15 PM
love the look and feel. let me know if i can help in some way!