Saturday, August 23, 2014
Team Breakfast
The Gang's All Here!
We had a lot to celebrate today.
End of Sprint Season and reunited after a 2 week break.
Potential new tam members joining us for Open Row.
Welcome to our new assistant coach, Daniel Goldblum.
Some of it was bittersweet - we sent our Cassie off to pursue her Master's degree at The University of Minnesota. Cassie has been our coach, cheerleader and friend for a over a year now. She was with us at zero dark thirty for practices through the long, cold winter, and she saw that training pay off for us in sprint season. She introduced some of us to a workout called Teti's Trauma - and yes it is as traumatic as it sounds! She always had a word of encouragement and a smile to keep us going.
Thank you Cassie!
Thanks were also given to our super coxes Jessie and Allura - these are two young ladies who will take the world by storm. Have a good school year girls - and come back anytime (PLEASE!!!).
We also acknowledged the contribution of our teammates who coxed at races - Rebecca, Joanne, Toby, Zuzana and Vern (and anyone I may have missed).
Here are some photos from Maureen (who did such a nice job that she will definitely be asked to be photographer for future events).