Head of the Occoquan 2011  

written by Anne Jane

The racing season could not have ended in a better way than our day at Occoquan. While we fretted the week before that it would be chilly and uncomfortable, the combination of the time change and the bright sun quickly made it a near-perfect day.

The Occoquan reservoir in the autumn is a glorious setting for a regatta complete with colorful leaves and posing herons - which is good considering the time spent waiting at the start-line. A few Masters Men, the TRRA Beginners and 2 Day Masters team joined the Masters Women, making for fast loading and unloading which was much appreciated by all.

Adding to all this was the clutch of medals brought home by the MW and MM:
4th  MW 8+ 40-49
2nd  MW 8+ 50+ - and just missing Prince William by 2.8seconds!
2nd  MM 4+ 50+
4th  MW 8+ Club
1st  MM 4X 50+
1st  MW 4X 50+
1st  MW 4X 40-49
And the MW 4+ 50+ boat came in 3rd but no medal was awarded because there were only 6 entries in the event. Most if not all MW came back with at least one medal - a very satisfying way to end the season.

Now it is time to put the tools and Unis away until spring and start thinking about getting on those ergs!